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RDA North signed a memorandum of understanding with the RDA North-East of Romania

19.05.2011   4617 views  

Northern Regional Development Agency (RDA North) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Regional Development Agency Northeast (RDA Northeast) from Piatra Neamt, Romania. This will be a mutually beneficial cooperation in regional development. In this sense, RDA North Director, Ion Bodrug and general manager of RDA Northeast, Constantin Apostol, have established a partnership between the two agencies. The meeting took place fro May 18th to 19th, in Piatra Neamt, where experts from the RDA North participated in an RDA training program.

The main objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by RDA North and the Northeast are:

• Achieve a balanced socio-economic development compared with other regions of the country;
• Strengthen financial opportunities, institutional and human resources for regional development;
• Strengthening the capacity of both institutional structures and exchange of experience;
• Facilitate partnerships between representatives of public authorities and institutions working in the area of developmenting regions of the party.

The goal of the Memorandum of Understanding between the RDA Northeast and RDA North is the  creation of an effective partnership. This partnership will launch and implement of joint actions aimed at establishing sustainable and successful collaborations. The aim is to support and strengthen cooperation between the Northern Region of the Republic of Moldova and the Northeast Region of Romania.

Negotiations on the Memorandum of Understanding between the RDA North and the RDA Northeast of Romania began in November 2010.

Training Program

The RDA North experts visit in Piatra Neamt included a two-day training program (18-19 May) in the development and implementation of projects. The program consisted of 6 training modules: I. Establishment of the project portfolio; II-III. Project Management: implementation and monitoring IV. Technical and financial reporting, V. Monitoring the sustainability of investment; VI. Identifying partners and cross-border projects.

RDA North Director, Ion Bodrug, discussed with experts from Northeast on a training program. He also discussesed certification to meet European standards in project management. Lastly he mentioned the possiibility of international experts working within RDA North and other similar agencies and professionals in Moldova.

Learning Center of Northeast from Piatra Neamt is certified by the European Union.