Prima - Publicații & produse media - Publicații - The achievements, priority problems and measures in the development of public water supply and sewage systems in the North Development Region of the Republic of Moldova
18.01.2024 106 accesări
Title: The achievements, priority problems and measures in the development of public water supply and sewage systems in the North Development Region of the Republic of Moldova Authors: Petru BACAL, Maria PRISACARI, Veronica RAILEAN, Veronica SAVIN, Daniela BURDUJA Abstract: The North Development Region has the lowest level of access to public water supply and sewage systems among the development regions of the Republic of Moldova. Only about ½ (52%) of the present population of the study region has access to public aqueducts, including 84% in urban areas and only 34% in rural areas. Also, only ≈20% of the population from North Development Region has access to public sewage systems, including 55% - in the urban areas and ≈1% - in the rural areas. Usually, the construction works of public water supply systems in rural areas are not accompanied by the construction of sewerage networks. The lowest access of the population to public water supply and sewage systems is caused, in particular by the difficult economic situation and the predominantly rural character of the region; by the reduced capacity of LPAs to co-finance projects in the field and by incomplete allocation of approved financial means and partial implementation of many projects. In this study were applied statistical and analytical methods, including systemic analysis and SWOT analysis, cartographic and comparative methods. In order to identify the priority measures in the field were taken into account both the specific objectives and the actions stipulated in the sectoral strategic documents, as well as the need to apply the basin principle of water resource management and the principle of regionalization of public water supply and sanitation services. For this purpose, were selected 3 agglomerations each, from the Prut river basin and from the Dniester river basin.