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A pilot project for modernization of strategic planning implemented in the North Development Region of Moldova will be replicated in Center and South Development Regions and ATU Gagauzia

16.03.2017   4484 views   ADR Nord

The results of a pilot project to improve strategic planning using Geographic Information System (GIS), implemented in the North Development Region of Moldova by North Regional Development Agency (RDA) and the benefits of project implementation in all Development  Regions of the country were discussed on Thursday, March 16th in Chisinau, during the conference "Regional governance: principles, models and support tools".

The conference was organized within the pilot project "Development of strategic planning in the North Development Region of Moldova". It brought together representatives of Local Public Authorities, data providers, donors and representatives of the business environment from the Republic of Moldova.

There were presented the most important results of the pilot project for the development of strategic planning in the North Region of Moldova, including the publications "Handbook of brand strategy for the North Development Region of Moldova" and "QGIS User Manual. Version: 2.0". Modern methods of strategic planning as Geographic Information System (GIS) and regional branding had been also promoted during the Conference. There was presented relevant information about regional products and services' promotion on the national and international markets, brand strategy for the North Development Region and increased awareness about the data in the field of regional development.

Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Construction Ministry, Anatol Usatîi, viewed positively the Moldo-Czech cooperation in implementation of several development projects during the last years. He highlighted the substantial support of the Czech Development Agency in identifying opportunities for economic diversification and assistance in developing proposals for regional projects and increase of investment in the regions. Also, Anatol Usatîi referred to joint projects in progress and reiterated the support of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction for replication of the pilot project to improve strategic planning, conducted in the North Development Region, the Republic of Moldova.

The Czech Ambassador, His Excellency Zdeněk Krejčí expressed His plenary support for the pilot project on strategic development planning, supported by the Czech Development Agency. This project will contribute to increased investment in the Development Regions as a result of effective programming.

"The good results of this pilot project will allow us to move to a higher level of project implementation. The development project of strategic planning using geospatial data is really a pilot project since we are talking about a new type of strategic planning. In this way we can attract investors in the North Development Region, "said North RDA director, Ion Bodrug.

At his turn, Lukás Malác, the Czech expert from the Royal HaskoningDHV, noted the importance of the pilot project for the development of strategic planning and its subsequent multiplication in other regions of the country.

Please note that the pilot project "Development of strategic planning in the North Development Region of Moldova" was implemented in the period 2015-2017 by North RDA and Royal HaskoningDHV. Czech Government had granted for the implementation of this pilot project about 92 thousand euro through the Czech Development Agency.

Currently, North RDA and its partners from the Czech Development Agency are in the process of elaboration of a new regional development project. The new project will include regional specialization, use of geo-information systems (GIS), regional marketing and other tools that will be used for North Development Region promotion. For this, North RDA specialists and representatives of local authorities from the region have benefited from guidance and pieces of advice given by a group of Czech experts within a recent visit to North RDA.


The evolution of the pilot project

The pilot project "Development of strategic planning in the North Development Region, Moldova" was originally called "Developing modern planning tools in the North Development Region using GIS technology." In 2013, the project concept had been improved within the Twinning project "Capacity building in the field of regional development in Moldova", thanks to the consultative and methodological support of French and Romanian experts.

At the end of 2014, a team of Czech experts started the first stage of drawing up the feasibility study for this project. Czech experts analyzed the legislative framework in the field and researched the quality of existing data. Also in 2014, North RDA, "Cadastru", "RED-Nord", "CET-Nord", "Apa-Canal Balti","Balti-Gaz", "Drumuri Balti" and "Moltelecom" signed a partnership agreement in the presence of Ambassador of the Czech Republic at that time, H.E. Jaromír Kvapil.

A training dedicated to regional branding was held in November 2015, which was integrated into the activities of creation of elements of visual identity for North Development Region, initiated by North RDA in line with the launch of the strategic planning process in order to develop North Regional Development Strategy for the years 2016-2020.

In late August 2016, a group of specialists from North RDA and Alecu Russo Balti State University traveled to the Czech Republic to study the experience of Czech partners in the field of GIS in strategic planning, as well as that of branding as a tool for regional promotion.