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Construction works / installation have been completed, inhabitants of Ţepilova village, Soroca district are supplied with drinking water

29.12.2016   5449 views  

Wednesday, December 28th, committee of reception members, composed by decision makers and specialists in development, implementation and monitoring the projects had met in Ocolina Village Hall to sign documents which confirm work completion for the subproject "Construction of the system for water supply and sanitation in Ţepilova village", that is a part of the project "Creating conditions for water supply and sanitation for the inhabitants of Parcani, Ocolina and Rădi Cereșnovăț villages from Soroca district".  

The total amount of the implemented subproject is 3.837.910 million MDL (lei), allocated from the National Fund for Regional Development (NFRD).

The mayor of Ocolina village, Valentina Ceban, North RDA director, Ion Bodrug, specialists from the Agency and representatives of decentralized institutions took part at the Reception meeting of the constructed objects during the project.

North RDA Director, Ion Bodrug claims that the access to drinking water sources is one of the most important national aims in infrastructure domain, because drinking water means the health of the citizens. Also, after signing the documents which confirm the completion of works, the object was passed to the final beneficiary, and this will allow the consumers to be connected to the source of drinking water and to operate new built system. It has to be mentioned the fact that the sub-project was implemented in a record time of only 2 (two) months.

According to the mayor of Ocolina, Valentina Ceban, this regional development project was expected for a long time by the villagers of Ţepilova because the settlement lacks drinking water source.

After the reception meeting of works, committee members had decided their admission, so Ţepilova villagers had become beneficiaries of 12.32 km of  built aqueduct, one water tower with capacity of 50 m3 and two autonomous sewer system, one for kindergarten and one for the local school.

This project aims at giving safe access to sources of qualitative drinking water for the population of five villages (Parcani, Voloave, Ocolina, Țepilova and Rădi Cereșnovăț) from Soroca district.