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Working visit at the Northern RDA

08.09.2011   4597 views  

A working group of the individual enterprise "Pasecnik" conducted Wednesday, September 7th, a working visit to the Northern Regional Development Agency (RDA North), a visit on the project "Quality water and sewerage services in the city for a Otaci clean environment in the North".

Specialists from Î.I. "Pasecnik", which develops technical project for construction of the sewerage system in the city of Otaci, discussed in the meeting, attended by specialists from North ADR, several technical problems concerneding the project.

Thus, specialists of Î.I. "Pasecnik" referred to the meeting which took place in Otaci on September 7th, where it was found that the completion of the design information is not available and the respective documentation. As a solution, designers offered a feasibility plan "Urbanproiect" to Otaci mayor, Vasile Traghira. A working group has gone to the site to get acquainted with the topography and placement of real objects. It was found that the feasibility plan does not show all buildings in the city. As a solution, the mayor proposed that Î.I. "Pasecnik" to use "IPROCOM" to get technical project conducted by "IPROCOM" in 1989-1990. Moreover, the discussion of the project manager, Nicolae Samcov, with the mayor of Otaci shows that lastly, Vasile Traghira, said that the technical project for the renovation of the aqueduct has significant errors and need revision. This because the route passes under the two houses' aqueduct for the private housing.

08.07.2011 | The project "Quality water and sewerage services in the city Otaci for a clean environment in the North" was launched