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Visit study of Åžoldănești, where it was presented with a sanitation project

09.06.2011   4880 views  

Northern Regional Development Agency (RDA North) on Thursday, June 9th, held a study visit to Åžoldănești, where the ongoing project: "Expanding the integral management of collecting and storing solid waste in the town of Åžoldănești and in seven rural towns in the districts of Rezina and Åžoldănești." The study tour was organized for teams implementing similar projects in Soroca and Biruința.

Participants had the opportunity to learn step by step the implementation process of the sanitation project, which is a challenge for the projects they represent.

It is the project: "Modernization of waste management services in the city of Åžoldănești," implemented in 2009 by the City Åžoldănești, with financial support from UNDP. The project was successful and is currently expanding sanitation services in other neighboring towns. The project is implemented by the Central Regional Development Agency (RDA Central), with financial support from the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ).

The success of the Åžoldănești mayor's office is attracting external resources beginning with the elaboration of socio-economic development of the city with sustained activity by the UNDP. This was the basic idea of ”‹”‹the presentation made by the Mayor of Åžoldănești, Alexander Tinica. 

Victor Bufteac, GIZ consultant, spoke about the modernization of local public services in Moldova in his presentation about the solid waste management project, mentioned above.

In this context the project now in progress in Åžoldănești, whose budget is 4,043,609.10 lei is reducing the level of environmental pollution by expanding the integral management of waste collection and storage in the city of Åžoldănești and seven rural localities. As a result of project implementation levels of environmental pollution and disease will be reduced while increasing levels of consumer satisfaction and improving conditions for the development of entrepreneurs in the territory.

GIZ consultant Victor Bufteac discussed the main activities carried out under the project and about certain issues. One of the most pressing needs is to adjust the legal framework in regards polygon construction of solid waste storage (DMS).

The agenda for the study visit included a series of field trips, including a visit to the Municipal Enterprise "Water Directed by Åžoldănești." Participants also had the opportunity to see a ECO box platform for the separate waste collection and talk about its functionality. Another destination for the participatns was a place where a build polygon DMS will be placed. Here they discussed the technical details pertaining to the proper location and calculating the volume of the polygon given the population served. They also talked about the modern requirements to the location of such polygons and technologies used for waste storage and conservation.

The Project: "Expanding the integrated management of waste collection and storage for the city of Åžoldănești to 7 villages in the districts of Soldanesti and Rezina" provides for the construction of 54 platforms and three ECO boxes for selective collection waste bins. These platforms will be equipped with modern garbage cans which will be installed on the streets in the partner villages. Procurement of unauthorized waste disposal by motor vehicles (tractor trailer, bulldozer, excavator, tanker water, etc..) and planning of solid waste landfill in the area of ”‹”‹the former livestock Parcani. Also environmental education activities and training of citizens are also planned.