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Europe Day in Northern Region

14.05.2011   4022 views  

Northern Regional Development Agency (RDA North) participated in the second half of the day on Saturday, May 14, 2011. The events are held in Balti's Alecsandri market to celebrate Europe Day. On this occasion, ADR North Director, Ion Bodrug, visited with interim President of the Republic of Moldova Marian Lupu and the head of EU Delegation in Moldova, Dirk Schuebel. They visites the European Town, where representatives of ten European countries installed seven tents and presented 15 community projects. Also on this occasion European language schools held language lessons, where visitors had the opportunity to learn words and phrases in several European languages”‹”‹.

Attending the official opening ceremony of the event was interim president of Moldova, Marian Lupu. He spoke about the importance of Europe Day in Moldova. Chairman Marian Lupu stated "9th of May is a day of great celebration, a double celebration. On this day we celebrate Victory Day and we celebrate - a holiday no less important - Europe Day. Today I am together with His Excellencies, Mr. Dirk Schuebel, Head of European Commission Delegation in Chisinau and the lady and gentlemen ambassadors of EU Member States, to celebrate this day, marked here in Balti, in the northern capital of Moldova."

In turn, the head of EU Delegation at Moldova's Europe Day events praised and appreciated the celebration. He also stated that Moldova in time will find itself in the European Union. Dirk Schuebel said that the celebration of Europe Day - in Balti and in Chisinau - aim to bring the citizens of Moldova closer to the values of the European Union”‹”‹.

Europe Day was officially held for the first time in Balti.