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Investment Opportunities in the Northern Region, discussed in Balti

14.05.2011   5076 views  

On May 14th The Northern Regional Development Agency (RDA North) in collaboration with the Centre "Pro-Europe" Balti, Consulate General of Romania and Balti State University "A. Russo" held a round table discussion in Balti. This was held during Europe Day Moldova and the discussion was entitled: "Investment opportunities in the Northern Region of the Republic of Moldova."

Through this roundtable discussion organizers wanted to discuss the investment climate, but also wanted to talk about the opportunities they offer to potential partners in the North-European Union member countries.

Messages of welcome were presented to participants at the roundtable by Veaceslav Guțuțui, the Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Construction, and Nicanor D. Teculescu, the Consul General of Romania in Balti.

During the round table, North ADR Director, Ion Bodrug, spoke about EU funding instruments for regional projects. In the context of the overall presentation about activity of the ADR North, the agency director, Ion Bodrug spoke about the importance of the European Union supporting development in the northern region. Deputy Director of the Free Economic Zone "Balti", Vasile Șoldan, referred to the prospects of investment in free economic zone "Balti". Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to the Republic of Moldova, E.S. Marius Lazurca, spoke about investment opportunities in the northern region of Moldova.

Today, the European Information Centre was opened at the State University "A. Russo" in Balti. The event was attended by Dirk Schuebel, Ambassador, Head of EU Delegation in Moldova. He stated that the European Information Centre opening in Balti "is a unique opportunity to discover and deepen our relations and also to celebrate the diversity and values ”‹”‹underlying European integration."

In the second half of the day there will be a series of events marking the occasion of Europe Day. They are scheduled to be held in Balti Alecsandri Square, where representatives of ten European countries have installed seven tents and presented 15 community projects. Also, on this occasion there will be European language schools held, where visitors will be able to learn words and phrases in several European languages.

Europe Day is being offcially held in Balti for the first time. In April, the city of Balti and the European Commission Delegation in Moldova reached an agreement to hold a sharing of records in Balti for Europe Day on 14 May.