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From local project to the regional project

29.03.2011   5367 views  

Today, 29th March 2011 the Northern Regional Development Agency was visited by Ms Gabriele Janikowski, GIZ expert in the field of water and sanitation. She lended her expertise for the project "Modernization of local public services in Moldova.”

The purpose of the visit is to analyze GIZ projects implemented and to identify needs. In particular the project: "Provision of water and sewerage services for the village of Old Duruitoarea and Costesti in the rayon of Riscani.”

During the talks Mr Ion Bodrug mentioned that this project will have a more local impact than regional, but due to the active involvement of GIZ consultants the project will become an example of the modernization and regionalization of municipal services.

In closing Ms Gabriele Janikowski told that they will assist in upgrading the socio-economic development plans of the district and particularly in Riscani for water and sanitation.