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Czech ambassador to visit Northern Region

24.03.2011   3416 views  

On March 24th 2011 Czech Ambassador Jaromir Kvapil visited the Northern Region in order to support the region in the economic field. He spent time with Mr. Ion Bodrug Northern ADR director and held a press conference at the Northern Regional Development Agency headquarters.

Northern ADR director Mr. Ion Bodrug made ”‹”‹a short presentation during the meeting about the North and presented all the seven regional development projects implemented by the RDA North.

During the dialogue Mr Jaromir Kvapil said that Moldova is one of the five countries receiving financial support from the Czech Republic. He also added that it is possible for small grants funding provided by the Embassy and they are willing to provide technical assistance to Moldova.

The diplomat said that the Balti Free Economic Zone, where they produce components for cars (including BMW brand) could serve as a good platform for the motor industry in the Czech Republic.
Ambassador Kvapil said that Moldova must develop and invest in projects related to obtaining renewable energy because Moldova, like the Czech Republic, lacks energy resources. Also he stated Moldova should develop tourism especially in the northern region.
Czech assistance to Moldova in 2010 amounted to about 2 million euros.

Please note that the RDA North has developed and submitted three projects under the Government of the Czech Republic for financial assistance to Moldova for the years 2011 to 2017, where a project was selected for funding.