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RDA North Regional Development launched the "finish the polygon construction for accumulating, sorting and recovery of waste for the three municipalities"

22.03.2011   2869 views  

Ministry of Construction and Regional Development and the Northern Regional Development Agency together with the mayor’s office of Biruința Victory will host a ceremony to launch the regional development project. The project is called "Finishing the polygon construction for accumulating, sorting and recovery of waste for the three municipalities (7 locations): Victory, Alexandreni com (Alexandreni, v. HECI Old Grigorești, Tîplești, Å¢îpletești) New HECI.

The launch ended the partnership agreement which was created the necessary support for effective project implementation.

The agreement was signed by Mr. John Bodrug, Northern Regional Development Agency Director, Mr. Basil Doga, president of CR and the three primary Singerei partners in the project.

Launching the project marks a successful event in the process of regional development, which will improve the ecological state of the region. As a result of project implementation the Municipalities / local councils of the three partners will  create a separate collection of solid waste in seven locations. The company will be equipped with specialized equipment and vehicles that will create a successful example for sanitation for the Northern Region. The population of the seven cities will have a separate waste collection system, which covers all needs of improvement, including animal manure collection. Citizens will be informed of the waste management system through an extensive awareness campaign.

Please note that this project is one of the five projects in the region of Northern Development approved funding sources for the National Fund for Regional Development in 2010 and one of the 19 projects approved in the Single Programme Document by GD No 722 of 26.08.2010 for 2010 - 2012.

The total project sum exceeds 6 million lei of which over four million are covered by national sources Regional Development Fund. It will be directed to complete the construction and layout polygon for accumulating, sorting and recovery of waste managers, procurement of equipment required to operate the collection service, transportation, sorting and recycling waste. Project implementation period is 11 months.

The event involved representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, the Northern Regional Development Agency staff, local government, civil society and private sector representatives, community members and media representatives.


For details, contact:

Olga Bejan, in charge of public relations

Tel: (231) 61 980