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The mass media attention!

21.03.2011   2507 views  


Ministry of Construction and Regional Development and the Northern Regional Development Agency together with the mayor’s office of Biruința Victory will host a ceremony to launch the regional development project. The project is called
"Finishing the polygon construction for accumulating, sorting and recovery of waste for the three municipalities (7 locations): Th. Victory, Alexandreni com (s Alexandreni, v. HECI Old Grigorești s., s. Tîplești, s. Å¢îpletești) s. New HECI.

Please note that this project is one of the five projects in Northern Region from sources approved for funding the National Regional Development Fund in 2010.

The event will be attended by the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, the Northern Regional Development Agency staff, local government, civil society and private sector representatives as well as community members.

Project launching ceremony will be held on 22 March 2011 at the Theoretical Lyceum "Evening Star", 15 Independence St., or. victory, starting at 13.00.

Representatives of the media are invited to attend the event.

For details, contact:

Olga Bejan, in charge of public relations