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Scope of assurance of water and sewerage services - a subject of discussion between the team and technical experts, Northern ADR in this area

17.03.2011   4275 views  

On March 16 there was a working meeting with the ADR team consortium Water Engineering SRL in Moldova and Steinbacher-Consult Ingenieurgeesellschaftn mbH & Co.KG in Germany, which currently draw Economic Survey of Municipal Enterprise "Water Canal Costesti" . They discussed developments in the analysis process, the problems facing enterprises in the sector service delivery of water supply and sanitation.

Mr. Ion Bodrug ADR Director North discussed the issues in the sector at the regional level and discussed how to engage effectively in the development and implementation of ADR North sectoral planning documents at regional level. Mr. Rudolf Gurtler, German representative of Ingenieurgeesellschaftn Steinbacher-Consult mbH & Co.KG, came up with suggestions on succession planning activities, steps that could lead to an integrated approach to developing insurance sector water and sanitation services. Pannus Mr. Paul, an expert of LLC "Water Engineering", referred to the quality of planning documents drafted, the need to apply European standards in this field in Moldova.

Another important issue was to provide business management, water supply and sanitation services. Some preliminary conclusions have been made at this stage of development of the study to confirm the importance of urgent action to improve the situation in the area. Major changes are needed with institutional development, staff training and technical capacity building of enterprises.

For information: Economic Survey of "Costesti Water Canal" is to improve service, water quality, supply and sewage. The joint project in the village Costești "Providing water and sewerage services Duruitoarea Old villagers, village Costesti district Riscani” is implemented by ADR Nord with financial support from Germany GIZ International Cooperation Agency.

For further details contact: Margaret Vameș, GIZ consultant, tel 231 29779, e-mail:
[email protected]