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Initiate collaboration with the Czech Development Agency

04.03.2011   3285 views  

Mr. Ion Bodrug, Northern RDA director, had a meeting at the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction with representatives of the Development Agency of the Czech Republic. At the meeting they initiated the identification process for regional development projects and to exchange experience at the agency.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Construction, Vyacheslav Guțuțui, Regional Development Director General, Valentina Plesca, and the head of international relations and attracts investment, Svetlana Rogova. Also in attendance were Directors of the South and Central Development Agencies (RDAs) and consultant Jan Cernik of the Development Agency of the Czech Republic, which is the implementing agency of the Czech development assistance. Lastly was Daniela Dragalin, an employee of the Czech Republic Embassy in the Republic, responsible for cooperation and development projects.

The guests said that the dialogue for 2011-2017 Development Agency through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic is ready to provide technical assistance and grants to fund the Regional Development Agencies in our country.
They also have added that it is possible for small grants funding provided by the Embassy.

In the dialogue guests specified funding priorities for the years 2011 -2014. Three sectors were nominated: social, agricultural and environmental projects initiated and communicated to our country in 2010.

At the end of the meeting, those present agreed that representatives at the event along with executives MDRC staff would identify projects in districts or localities. These will be within the project and will help increase social benefits. Creating a regional houses sorting, packing, storage and cold rooms and a request for technical assistance in training employees MDRC, ADR and Regional Development Boards will do this.

  RDA directors have expressed interest in a partnership to exchange experience in the context of the Regional Development Agencies. They are at a year of activity and will examine opportunities to identify projects according to set priorities for Moldova in cooperation with local authorities.

Please note that the RDA North has developed and submitted three projects under the Government of the Czech Republic for financial assistance to Moldova for the years 2011 to 2017, where a project was selected for funding.