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RDA North Regional Development launched the "Feeding the City boasts of Prut river water"

23.02.2011   3971 views  

Today, February 23rd 2011, the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction and the Regional Development Agency in collaboration with the North District Council launched the Falesti regional development project: "Feeding the City boasts of Prut river water."

Representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction and representatives of the Bureau of International Cooperation of Germany attended the event Falesti CR. Also in attendance were project beneficiaries and members of the media.

Launching the project marked a successful event in the process of regional development. The expected results of the project are connecting to potable water for 18,000 people, creating a new water supply system, and providing irrigation in the area.

Project complies with the National Regional Development Strategy and the Regional Development Strategy for Northern initiatives, which stimulate regional development in physical infrastructure, while promoting economic and social sustainable development of localities. Implementing this project will contribute to providing the population with water supply and sewerage services for Falesti. It will also create opportunities for the rural districts of Glodeni and Ungheni to have sustainable management of water resources in a regional context.

This project is one of the five development projects in the Northern Region to be financed from sources approved by the National Regional Development Fund in 2010 and one of the 19 projects covered by Government Decision no. 722 of the 26th of August 2010 Single Programme Document for the years 2010-2012.

Project budget exceeding 18 million lei of which approximately 11 million are covered by national regional development fund. These are sources for the reconstruction of the Prut-Falesti aqueduct, treatment plant construction and reconstruction of Orus Falesti service line treatment station with a length of 2 km. Project implementation period is 18 months.