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Ion Bodrug, ADR North Director, updates colaborative relationships with GIZ for 2011

06.02.2011   3411 views  

In February 2011 the collaboration between the Northern Regional Development Agency (ADR North) and the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) were updated by completion of two Memorandem of Understanding. These memorandem agreed upon by Mr. John Bodrug (ADR North) and Mr Philip Johannsen (GIZ) will initiate and implement projects "Capacity Development for Regional Development and Cross Border Cooperation in the Republic of Moldova" and "modernization of local public services in Moldova."

The memorandum of understanding on the project "Modernization of local public services in the northern region of Moldova" will provide:

- Assistance in preparation of feasibility studies, improving applications and other relevant documents necessary for regional development.

- Financing the implementation of the selected projects.

- Technical assistance during implementation and post implementation of projects.

The second memorandum is based on strengthening the capacities of regional development in Moldova. Contributing to the establishment of partnerships and development of cooperation at local, regional, national, cross-border and transnational levels. Improving skills in identifying organizations of Moldova, formulating and implementing projects promoting regional and EU Programmes in the northern region of Moldova.

The project "Capacity Development for Regional Development and transborder cooperation in Moldova " is aimed at improving regional development capacity. It also aims to improve the competence of regional and local public authorities, private sector leaders and public organizations in the North of Moldova. It focuses on the preparation and implementation of effective cooperation between different stakeholders, the Government and potential cooperation partners in neighboring countries.