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ANUNȚ. Selectarea consultantului individual internațional pentru sarcina „Planificarea strategică a sectorului de alimentare cu apă și sanitație”

17.11.2016   1322 accesări  

Strengthening the institutional framework in the water and sanitation sector in the Republic of Moldova

(Phase 01)

Project financed by

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation


The Austrian Development Agency 

SDC Ref. No. 81035398, 7F-08870.01.01

ADA Ref. No. 8332-00/2015

call for expressions of interest (CVs)

Individual Consultant




Project Name: Strengthening the institutional framework in the water and sanitation sector in the Republic of Moldova

Sector: Water and Sanitation

SDC ref. No. 81035398, 7F-08870.01.01

ADA ref. No. 8332-00/2015

Expressions of interest: IFSP/CS-8/IC-8/C.1/1.6Int

Assignment name: International strategic water and wastewater prioritization consultant

This request for expressions of interest follows the Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA; SR 172.056.1) and Federal Ordinance on Public Procurement (PPO; SR 172.056.11) as per Framework Agreement concerning Technical and Financial Co-operation and Humanitarian Aid between the Swiss Federal Council and the Government of Moldova, signed on 20 September, 2001, and the Agreement on Development Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Austria and the Government of the Republic of Moldova, signed on 21 October, 2008.

The proposed consultant services are procured under the Agreement between the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Austrian Development Agency on the implementation of the Project "Strengthening the institutional framework in the water and sanitation sector in the Republic of Moldova (IFSP)", Phase (01) dated May 13th, 2016.

The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova received financing from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Austrian Development Agency toward the cost of implementation of the "Strengthening the institutional framework in the water and sanitation sector in the Republic of Moldova (IFSP)", Phase (01), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for procurement of consultant services (Individual Consultant) strategic water and wastewater prioritization.

To achieve the assignment's objectives, the Consultant will have the following responsibilities:

  1. To support the development of the master plans in water and wastewater sectors and the development of feasibility studies based on the master plans
  2. To strengthen capacities in procurement, contract management and administrative skills of local governments and utility companies
  3. To review the existing prioritisation process (as per methodology of Ministerial Order 81/03/09.2015) and propose modifications for improvement. Modifications should incorporate comments of relevant stakeholders and be harmonized with other existing documents and EU documents in the sector and then support its implementation through a step by step approach (participatory workshop, approval at the adequate national level, set up processes to ensure its implementation, training...)
  4. To assist all stakeholders in the water and wastewater sector in the identification of new projects and contribute to all relevant aspects of project preparation to ensure their quality and sustainability. This activity should be implemented considering other experiences to identify criteria to work towards sustainability of infrastructure's investments
  5. To support the implementation of strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment in the water sector
  6. To identify, in collaboration with all stakeholders, mechanisms for providing technical assistance to project implementation and setting up of operation
  7. To participate in the assessment of the technical, operational and environmental viability and sustainability of investment projects across the whole water cycle
  8. To support the establishment of a common project pipeline between all stakeholders for drinking water projects, wastewater projects and IWRM projects. This project pipeline-database could be under a classic format as excel. The exact format should be defined during the implementation, but it should present at least the status of the project (MP, FS, etc...) as well as the level of priority
  9. To propose a clear financing mechanisms for project and to support its implementation (including in the legislative process)
  10. To assist the development of mechanisms to ensure harmonization of Master Plans and River Based Management Plans
  11. To favour the inclusion of all transversal issues such as : gender and minorities (data desegregation), environmental protection, social protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation
  12. To favor ownership by the relevant stakeholders of the different activities and project results
  13. To define, plan and implement capacity building activities in planning for all stakeholders involved in the water & wastewater sector; taking into consideration existing trainings (eg. GIZ)
  14. To ensure a close cooperation with APASAN, GIZ and other relevant stakeholders
  15. To manage the local planning consultant(counterpart)

This assignment will require an Individual Consultant, which has:

  • Master degree or equivalent professional qualification in civil engineering, ecology, environmental sciences, hydrology, hydraulic or any relevant field
  • Sound knowledge of the acquis communautaire in the water / wastewater / integrated water resource management
  • Proficiency in project planning and management
  • Excellent knowledge of English is required; communication skills in Romanian, Russian or Gagauz will be an asset
  • Cycle, investment project preparation and project management, including related IT tools (primavera, MS Project Management),
  • Sound communication skills and diplomacy;
  • Excellent organizational skills with the ability to set priorities, and meet deadlines;
  • Detail oriented and ability to handle multiple tasks in a fast paced environment;
  • Analytical mind and ability to make well thought synthesis; 
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills;
  • A team player who can work independently and with minimal supervision;
  • Perfect knowledge of MSWord, Excel, Power Point;    
  • High capacity to motivate team and colleagues on solving challenging issue;
  • Knowledge of the Moldovan context will be an asset;

The candidate should demonstrate the following experience:

  • 10 years of professional experience, including international experience in the water sector. Experience in the region will be an asset
  • 5 years of demonstrated experience in project management for water projects (institutional, technical, economical and legal aspects)
  • Excellent skills in communication, facilitation and negotiation (coordination with stakeholders)
The P.I.EMP Management Durabil POP (EMP) acting as a project fiduciary team, now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their expression of interest in providing the services. Interested Consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (copy of the diploma, description of similar assignments, copy of the certificate(s) confirming attending of the trainings, CV, etc.). This Call for Expression of Interest will lead to the preparation of a Short List of consultants comprised of at least 3 (thee) but not more than 6 (six) qualified candidates. For shortlist evaluation of the expressions of interest the following criteria will be applied:
  • Educational background and professional qualification (40 points)
  • General experience in implementing similar assignments (60 points)

A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Procurement Guideline for FDFA contractors (1/2), clause 6.3 "Selective Tendering Procedure", Version 1.0 (September 2015).

The services are expected to be provided over a period of 33 months. Total mobilization of the consultant is of 17 man/months as a workload from which:

  • A first period of 12 months full time in the Ministry
  • Subject to the Ministry decision after first 12 months a technical support of about one week a month (maximum work load of 19 weeks (5 man/months as total workload) over the remaining period) will be requested and agreed between parties based on the consultant proposal rates

Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from 09:00 to17:00 hours (Chisinau time).

Expressions of interest must be submitted in written form or e-mail to the address below by 17:00 hours (Chisinau time) on November 30, 2016.

P.I.EMP Management Durabil POP within the 
Ministry of Environment
Attn. Mr. Valentin Plesca, Director,
156A, M.Dosoftei str., office 303, MD-2004
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Tel:  + 373 22 226-254; 
Fax:  + 373 22 226-254

E-mail: [email protected]  


Copy to:

Mr. Cyrille Vallet, International Senior Advisor

seconded by the Austrian Development Agency

to the Ministry of Environment.

9 Constantin Tanase str., MD-2005, office 614 A

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Tel: (+373) 22 204-510, Fax: (+373) 22 226-858

E-mail: [email protected]



Call for expressions of interest

Individual Consultant


Project: Strengthening the institutional framework in the water and sanitation sector (WWS) in the Republic of Moldova (Phase 01) 

Sector: Water and Sanitation

The Ministry of Environment is procuring the consulting services for providing assistance on strategic water and wastewater prioritization. 

The consultant will be mainly responsible for a coherent planning process and related financing modalities (including budget provisions for the implementation of RBMPs) for the water sector defined, for providing support in establishment of a clear process for the projects to be consolidated at the national level and for improving the projects on all aspects.

EoIs must be submitted to the e-mails: [email protected] and [email protected] by November 30, 2016, 17:00 (Chisinau time).