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Truck procured within a project for improvement of water and sanitation services in Râşcani rayon

26.11.2014   4395 views  

North Regional Development Agency (North RDA) passed to Costeşti City Hall a truck brand 'Renault', worth EUR 21,500 for the water supply and sanitation service.

The truck, that is to be taught in management to the Municipal Enterprise 'Apa-Canal' in Costesti, was acquired within the pilot project 'Improving water supply and sanitation in Râşcani rayon' conducted by North RDA and financed from the sources of German Government.

During the event of transmitting the transport unit, North RDA Director, Ion Bodrug discussed with local public authorities and representatives of ME 'Apa-Canal' in the locality about the implementation of development of water supply and sanitation services project in Costesti.

'This transport unit will enable enterprise professionals to move operatively, with all the necessary equipment, at the destination, in order to provide quality services' said North RDA Director, Ion Bodrug.

We would like to recall, that within the same project, were recently purchased a welding machine, a mobile power generator and a mobile pump for wastewater worth MDL 109,570.

Within this project were also purchased a bulldozer-excavator and a special emptying trailer, which will be passed shortly to Costeşti City Hall.

All items were purchased with value added tax to zero, in accordance with the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning technical cooperation.

The pilot project for improvement of water and sanitation services in Râşcani rayon, totaling EUR 1,103,431 and a local contribution of EUR 13,875 is conducted by North RDA, during June 2010 - December 2015 with funding from German Government sources provided within the project 'Modernization of Local Public Services in Moldova', managed by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ.