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Polish Delegation in the Northern Region

13.06.2014   4099 views  

Bălți-Glodeni, June 12, 2014. A delegation of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development (MID) of Poland visited the Northern Regional Development Agency (RDA North), so wanting to know more the North Region (NDR) of Moldova. The foreign delegation was accompanied by Valerian Banzaru, head of the General Directorate of Regional Development Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MDRC) of Moldova.

In the context of a presentation on the potential socio-economic and tourism center of the NDR, RDA North Director, Ion Bodrug, informed Polish delegation members that the regional development institutions in our country put an emphasis on economic development projects. On this occasion, RDA North Director presented a number of investment opportunities offered in Northern Moldova.

"Poland is one of the European countries from which our country can take many good examples. We will work as a team both North RDA and local authorities in Northern Region to intensify cooperation ties with Poland, a country that is willing to provide support and assistance that we need. In the context of association of Moldova to the European Union, we can learn and Polish experience, so we are not faced with the problems that this country has already resolved", said director Ion Bodrug.

Representatives of the Polish delegation said they are willing to offer the region and the country support and advice necessary in regional development. Referring to local support that SMEs in Poland benefit from, Polish MID representatives stressed that it is important that Moldova should focus on creating businesses that will provide new jobs.

In the second half of the day, accompanied by experts from the RDA North, representatives of the Polish delegation visited the Industrial Park "Raut" in Balti, where they talked about the economic benefits of the residents of the park. Afterwards, guests from Poland visited the vestigial lake "La Fontal" and State Nature Reserve "Padurea Domneasca" where North RDA conducted the project "Royal Forest Ecotourism Route Planning", submitted by the District Council of Glodeni. The total value of this project is 4.72 million lei, sources allocated the National Fund for Regional Development.

Also note that on Tuesday, June 10, in Chisinau, at the MRDC representatives of MID and the Polish delegation discussed with officials from the MRDC about the project "Support to the government of the Republic of Moldova in order to prepare the implementation of projects to support increased potential competitiveness and development regions " by MID of Poland in partnership with MRDC Moldova. The total project value is about 86 thousand Euros. Thus, through this project, Poland will continue to assist our country in regional development by strengthening local government.