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Approximately 86 million lei was invested for the development of the Northern Region in 2013

10.01.2014   4961 views  

In 2013, the North Regional Development Agency (North RDA) implemented a total of 11 projects, four of which will be continue to be implemented in 2014. "It is important that we know how to do more for the Northern Region through study visits, which, in recent years, RDA North employees have performed some in European countries", says RDA North Director, Ion Bodrug.

Regional development projects

In 2013, North RDA implemented in Northern Region (NDR) 7 regional development projects, financed by the National Fund for Regional Development (NFRD), totaling 78,82 million lei, money allocated by Decision 12 / 13 on the 20th of December 2013 by the National Coordination Council for Regional Development (NCCRD).

In addition to the 78,82 million lei allocated from NFRD in 2013, the North RDA capitalized two regional development projects of about 7.43 million lei from the German government through the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). Thus, together with the implementation of a project financed by sources from the Czech Republic, worth 155,08 thousand lei, and a project funded by the USAID small projects assistance program in Moldova, worth  60,99 thousand lei, the total amount invested in the NDR in 2013 is approximately 86.47 million lei, more than 25 million more than in 2012.

Of the 7 regional development projects funded and implemented by RDA North from the NFRD in 2013, 4 projects were launched in 2013 and the other three projects, launched in 2012, had their implementation deadlines extended.

Most financial resources have been allocated for the rehabilitation of physical infrastructure projects under the priority no. 1 of the Northern Regional Development Strategy (North RDS).

„We know how to do more for the NDR”

North RDA Director, Ion Bodrug argues that the results obtained with the implementation of regional development projects and major events held in the region shows that activities of the North RDA contribute to boosting the development of the NDR.

In implementing projects RDA North in 2013, the following results were obtained: 7,721 km of road renovated, rebuilt two bridges and two pavilions constructed, 18,789 km of water supply networks, 6,43 km of sewerage networks and two water tanks with a capacity of 300 m3 constructed, one treatment plant and two pumping stations mounted, 4,02 km grids constructed 2,9 km of road lighting and 359 energy-efficient lighting, 5 transportation units purchased, 0,397 km of reconstructed historical fence and 2 gates fitted to 2,984 km eurogard woven metal and 0,385 km fence of forged metal constructed, an informative pavilion and a viewing deck for bison built and so on.

"With the proximity of our country to the European Union, we can boast many successes in regional development. It is important that we know how to do more for the Northern Region through study visits, which, in recent years, RDA North employees have performed some in European countries, "says RDA North Director, Ion Bodrug.

According to the Minister of Regional Development and Construction, Marcel Răducan, the North RDA is "an agency with a team that has become quite mature after 4 years. In this period they have demonstrated this by implementing projects that have the right to claim regional development in the North is accredited."

Major events

Last year, in parallel with the implementation of regional development projects , the North RDA organized an international conference entitled "Opportunities for socio-economic development of the Region of Northern Development, 2020" (Balti, 21st - 22nd of May, 2013) and the first ever  "Days of the Northern Development Region (Balti-Edineţ-Soroca-Corjeuţi 8th-11th October, 2013)." also, as a partner, the RDA North participated in the organization of the second edition of the Potato Festival (Briceni, November 2nd, 2013). The first Potato Festival was held in November 2012 in Corjeuţi, Briceni event organized by north RDA and Municipality of Corjeuţi.

In 2013, the North RDA also participated in organizing a series of activities to develop regional sectoral plans for three areas of intervention in the Northern Region.


Although, to date , the North RDA has implemented several projects of regional development, it is not yet clear to all citizens what the advantages of regional development are, who primarily benefits from the results of the implementation of regional development projects, how much is regional development is weighted for the model of development in Moldova. This was the reason why the North RDA has developed a short documentary film, released at the end of the year. The film can be viewed here: http://goo.gl/HUlyoL .


In 2013, the NFRD, regional development regions from Moldova were allocated 191,25 million lei, of which 183,73 million lei was for implementation of projects. For comparison, the NFRD budget in 2012 amounted to 160,7 million lei, and in 2014 will be about 195 million lei.

The Unique Programming Document (UPD) for 2013-2015 included for all developing regions: 61 regional development projects funded both by the NFRD and development partners of Moldova. During the period 2013-2015, according UDP the North will implement 18 projects, of which 4 have been completed, 11 projects are currently under implementation, and 3 projects have not yet received funding. The total value of the 61 projects included in the UDP for Regional Development 2013-2015 is over 1 billion 250 million lei.

Implementation of projects in photos

Completed projects financed from the NFRD

 Projects extending into 2014, funded by the NFRD

Projects funded from other sources

The North Region, totals