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Agenda for the 2nd edition of the Potato Festival

02.11.2013   4396 views  

The second edition of the Potato Festival will take place Saturday, November 2nd, in the town of Briceni. The festival will promote quality potatoes and traditional potato dishes.

 The event is organized in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, Briceni District Council, National Farmers Federation of Moldova, North Regional Development Agency and the State Agricultural University of Moldova.

The festival program includes exhibitions selling potatoes, potato products, methods for crop protection, agricultural and handicraft items; a workshop: "The current state and development prospects of the potato", music and dance show with the participation of artistic groups in the region and country entitled "Potato - The second bread", contests, and a concert featuring folk music and dancing (hora).

Potatoes, the fourth most popular food source after rice, wheat and corn, was known to people 8,000 years ago, being cultivated by communities of hunters and gatherers near Lake Titicaca, located high in the Andes mountains, at border between Peru and Bolivia.

  • The agenda can be found HERE.
  • The event page is HERE.

  • Potato Festival, 1st edition. Click HERE.