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Website management for the NDR was the theme of training for representatives of local governments and NGOs

01.10.2013   3185 views  

Bălți, October 1, 2013. A group of representatives of the local government districts of the North Region (NDR) were trained in a training, how to manage the editorial and technical aspects of www.regio.md, the NDR website created within the project "Facilitating the promotion Northern Development Region's potential".

The work of creating regional website www.regio.md was completed. The website will be officially launched by the end of November / beginning of December this year. During the public launch of the website, administrators were able to study specific www.regio.md working platform and will be able to update pages dedicated to each district. Also, the website will contain a page dedicated to the NGOs in the region. They are to be created on request. RDA North, with the support of the company that created the website, will support partners involved in the project. The end result will be a website in 3 languages ”‹”‹(Romanian, English and Russian), which will be promoted with LPA and NGO input from the region and will promote the economic, cultural and tourist potential of the NDR.

The project "Facilitating promotion potential Northern Development Region" is supported by the U.S. Peace Corps in Moldova through the Small Grants Program, and implemented by RDA North, in partnership with the CONTACT-Balti, the Alliance of Community Centers for Access to Information and Training in Moldova (Infonet), 8 NDR district councils, and the municipalities of Edineț and Bălți.