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Two medical-social centers were opened in the Northern Region

19.09.2013   3633 views  

Bălți-Țaul, September 18, 2013. Two medical-social centers were opened in the northern region. They are the medical-social center "Rebeca" in Bălți and medical-social center "Saint Juliana" in the village of Țaul, Donduseni.

This is thanks to the government of the Czech Republic, which has invested 300 thousand Euros in equipment and operation expenses for the two centers over a period of three years.  Seniors will benefit from nurses who will provide quality medical treatment, and will get help housekeeping, and shopping.

"And with our help, and the help of others the standard of living in the country will rise. I am sure that in this regard, with help you and Director Ion Bodrug of the RDA North may bring foreign investment and new jobs to the region, "said Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic in Moldova, HE Jaromír Kvapil, who praised the implementation of social projects.

Deputy Minister of Labour, Social Protection and Family, Ruxandra GLAVAN thanked the Czech people for financial aid which was possible thanks to the opening of two medical-social centers, ensuring those involved in these projects all the support from the Ministry. "It is absolutely important to note that those who have special needs and high expectations from the authorities need a helping hand," said the deputy minister.

Director of the RDA North, Ion Bodrug, wished success to those who will manage both medical and social centers, wishing them to give smiles and good humor to the beneficiaries. "I would like to note that this is not the first time the Czech Government, through the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Chisinau, sustained development in the Northern Region," said RDA North Director.

Director of NGO "HOMECARE" Tamara Adașan, claims that the two centers, pensioners will spend part of the day, they will be treated, washed, and cared for. Additionally, seniors will have the chance to rest, to watch TV, and serve tea, after which they will be transported home.

The implementation in Balti for the social-medical project is an initiative proposed by RDA North Director, Ion Bodrug at a meeting held at the end of 2012, in which Daniela Dragalina representative of the Czech Embassy in Chisinau Jan Cernik, director of the Czech development Agency, and Irina Serdiuc, Secretary Balti Municipal Council discussed the possibility of implementing regional development projects.

The two medical-social centers were created in the context of the project "Development of home care in the north of Moldova - 2013-2015", financed by the Czech Development Agency and implemented by NGO "HOMECARE", in collaboration with Caritas Czech Republic.

Despite the crisis, the Republic of Moldova Republic is annually granted about 3 million euro. "As a state of the European Union, the Czech Republic wants and should help Moldova, and other countries that need our help," said His Excellency Jaromír Kvapil.