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Europe Day in Soroca

24.05.2013   6031 views  


Soroca, May 24th, 2013. Soroca Fortress hosted, for the first time, the celebration of Europe Day. The Celebration, that has become a beautiful tradition in several villages of Moldova, started with the inauguration of the exhibition dedicated to the European Union and to traditional crafts of the region.

The event was attended by ambassadors and members of diplomatic corps from European countries on mission in Chisinau, personalities from the North Region, and a delegation that represented the region Vinnitsa from Ukraine.

The event continued with a music show entitled "European Harmony", which was attended by famous artists and bands from Moldova and from abroad.

As in previous years, Europe Day in North Region was organized by the North Regional Development Agency in partnership with the General Consulate of Romania in Balti and the European Interactive Center "Pro-Europe" Balti. This year, the District Council of Soroca also took part in the event organization.

In the North Region, Europe Day was officially celebrated for the first time on May 14th 2011 in Balti. In 2012, also in Balti, Europe Day was celebrated on May 26th.

"Europe Day can already be organized in the regions"

Ion Bodrug, the director of North Regional Development Agency, congratulated the people from Soroca on the occasion of Europe Day, a premiere in Soroca. "I'm very glad that Europe Day can already be organized in regions due to the support of the General Consulate of Romania in Balti and the exceptional hospitality and organization of the District Council of Soroca. I am very proud that the North Region is celebrating Europe Day for the third time", stressed in his speech the director Ion Bodrug.

"We want the same living conditions that EU citizens have"

"We want the same living conditions that EU citizens have. These goals are a part of the development strategies of Soroca. Our team is working hard to create better conditions for our citizens", said the rayon president Victor Său.

"Europe enters the agenda of Soroca and Soroca enters the European agenda"

The Romanian Consul Radu Ciobotea, who represented both the General Consulate of Romania in Balti and the Romanian Embassy in Moldova, sent the greeting of the Romanian Ambassador in Chisinau, Marius Lazurcă. "I want to convey a message that is neither political nor protocolar, but it comes from the heart. It's a huge joy for me and my colleagues to be here, at Soroca Fortress, in a day celebrating the European Union. When this city was built the politics of Moldova was a European one. Between 1400 and 1500, during Stephen the Great, Moldova was a European country having as its main allies the United Venice, the Kingdom of France, the Kingdom of Poland. Moldovans from Soroca were Europeans 500 years ago. It's a thing you should know and be proud of. We are now in a new phase of history, the Dniester separates us from Ukraine, but it also approaches us to Ukraine. And we have friends in Ukraine who are with us and we highly appreciate this thing. The Prut River also separates us but I will not talk about this. Prut separates us just from a quirk of the history. We will be able to change this situation when both Moldova and Ukraine become members of the European Union. There will be no geographical, soul and civilization borders then. This moment is more important than we now realize. It is for the first time we celebrate Europe Day in Soroca and I think, today, Europe enters the agenda of Soroca and Soroca enters the European agenda through this event that shows that, on the bank of the Dniester River, there is an open area for development, for collaboration: both with the West and the East, and this is remarkable from a political, diplomatic, economic point of view", revealed in his speech the Romanian Consul Radu Ciobotea.

Bălți, 2012

Bălți, 2011