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Brochure "Cost-Benefit Analysis - a necessary tool for implementing large projects", distributed by North RDA

28.12.2012   4828 views  
  • The first publication of its kind in Moldova, in addition to the brochure "Summary of a feasibility study" 
  • One more reason to strengthen our efforts towards balanced development of regions in Moldova

Directorul ADR Nord, Ion Bodrug, prezintă broșura în cadrul unei conferințe de presă.Coperta broșuriiLansarea broșurii, cu ocazia evenimentului „ADR Nord la 3 ani de activitate...”

The North Regional Development Agency offers an electronic version of the brochure "Cost-Benefit Analysis - a necessary tool for implementing large projects", edited and published in a project implemented in partnership with the RDA North and the Regional NGO CONTACT-Balti. "Project Consult" was implemented with the financial support of the Czech Republic.

The brochure is a practical guide for local authorities. It was launched Wednesday, December 26th, at the event "North RDA at 3 years of activity...”.

"The Embassy of the Czech Republic supported the projects' feasibility studies about the importance of strengthening the process of regional development in Moldova" and subsequently "Cost-Benefit Analysis - a necessary tool for implementing large projects", was developed by specialists from North RDA taking into consideration the certainty that the tools are welcome and extremely useful in fundraising as well as addressing regional problems", said the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic in Moldova, H.E. Jaromir Kvapil.

"I am confident about the subsequent decision making process for the allocation of financial resources for publicly funded national or international investments, the book will be a very useful tool for those who will develop regional projects", according to North RDA Director Ion Bodrug.

The brochure is primarily intended for LPA representatives of level I and II in the country - mayors, heads of departments, district councils, municipal specialists, and specialists in internal and external fundraising, all who will seek to develop regional projects. The printed version of the brochure will be distributed for free to local public administrations in the 3 development regions of Moldova.

The author of brochure is Svetlana Rogov. The cover design and layout of the newspaper were made by "Спрос и предложение". The brochure will be distributed to local authorities throughout the country, and was printed by SRL "Balti Printing" with 1500 copies containing 83 pages. For this project 91 336,00 MDL was spent using Czech sources.

Download the brochure