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3 years of development in northern Moldova with the North Regional Development Agency

27.12.2012   4863 views   Invitație

December 26, 2013. The North Regional Development Agency (RDA North) and Northern Development Region (RDN) have had 3 years of regional development: a yearlong training and another 2 years of numerous activities, all designed to increase living conditions for the northern region's citizens of Republic of Moldova.

On the occasion of 3 years of the RDA North, a press conference and a round table entitled "RDA North at 3 years of activity. Partnerships, results and perspectives" was held. On this occasion, the North RDA team, reporters, guests of the Council for Northern Regional Development, civil society representatives, and partners reviewed the most important results that were obtained. In this respect, The RDA North Director, Ion Bodrug, referred to implemented regional development projects as well as ongoing collaborations with development partners, major events, memoranda of understanding entered into by the North RDA, and other important issues.

In 2012, the RDA North, an agency under the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction invested approximately 54,915,900 MDL in the North Region from the National Fund for Regional Development (NFRD), which is 100% of the amount approved, and about 5 million MDL from the Government of Germany through the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).

Significant amounts were invested in of water supply and sanitation projects, rehabilitation of tourism infrastructure, and management systems of solid waste. In parallel with the implementation of regional development projects, the RDA North has conducted many activities that have resulted in updating the North Regional Development Strategy, the development of the 2nd Call for Proposals, the organization Moldovan-Romanian Interregional Economic Forum (Bălți , 28-29 March 2012), the first Potato Festival (Corjeuti, Briceni, November 11, 2012) and the initiation of regional sectoral development plans for three areas of intervention in Northern Region. Additionally, in the area of public-private partnership activities include: cooperation between North and Commercial Bank RDA "Mobiasbanca - Groupe Société Générale" SA, collaboration and partnership agreement provided signed by the two institutions to promote favorable conditions for the creation of public-private partnership, with the inclusion national and international experts.

During the roundtable discussion there was talk about the successful achievements that the North RDA has obtained in 2009-2012. Also at the event the brochure "Cost-Benefit Analysis - necessary tool for implementing large projects" was presented, and distributed to local public administration from the 3 regions.

In order to promote regional development projects and attract investment, the RDA North launched the "market projects" heading on the www.adrnord.md website; a presentation was made on the occasion celebrating 3 years since the founding of the RDA North.

Priorities. The North RDA seeks sustainable and equitable development of localities of the Northern Region, based on the three priorities set by North Regional Development Strategy: 1) Physical rehabilitation of the infrastructure, 2) Supporting private sector development and labor market, 3) Improving environmental factors and tourism. Taking into account the European and national legislation as well as international obligations, attention is given to projects in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Successful implementations of regional development projects help raise the living standards of citizens in the region.