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Scientific conference: "A retrospective history of Bălți and neighboring regions”

14.11.2012   5319 views  

Bălți, November 14, 2012. Inside State University "A. Russo" Bălți a scientific conference entitled "A retrospective history of Bălți and neighboring regions" was held. The event was organized by State University "A. Russo" Bălți, the Institute of Social History "ProMemoria", the National Archeology Agency, The National Archive of the Republic of Moldova, The Heritage Institute of the Academy of Sciences and Museum of History and Ethnography from Bălți.

"Today we cross some uncertain times. Thanks to the organizers of the scientific conference because their noble intention is to warn us that we are still unprepared for the lessons of history. In this regard, I would like to come even with a suggestion: that we take the position to be debtors in this respect, because only in this way can we recover, we bring personalities, events, people, moments of creative intensity to the forefront. Only then, will we understand that the legacy of civilization is not inherited, it is learned, and it is earned", said the rector of the State University "A. Russo ", Prof. Dr. Hab. Gheorghe Popa.

As co-organizer, the North Regional Development Agency was represented by Director Ion Bodrug, who thanked the organizers for the invitation and for the opportunity to attend the conference. "In our capacity as promoters of the North Development Region, we are involved and we highly appreciate the contribution of the State University" A. Russo "Bălți to the development of the region. We believe that together we will further contribute to the development of the region", said RDA North Director, Ion Bodrug.

Vlad Ghițu, Bălți Municipal Council member and representative of Pro-Europe Centre Bălți spoke about the importance of the conference for Bălți: "The values of our country and Bălți are aligned with the majority of values ”‹”‹of European culture. I believe that Bălți history, as it has been, will be reflected in today's conference. History is different and should be appreciated because a society that does not know the past or do not adequately appreciate it, cannot build a civilized and prosperous future for future generations. I also believe that a community development perspective is clear only when the value of the local government system corresponds in a large extent to the traditions and the history of the city. In this respect, we all know that Bălți especially has a large discrepancy. It is a problem that can be solved and I hope that the next government of our city will meet the needs of the city to provide dynamic development of the municipality and to have responsible and courageous administrators at city level”.

"It is very good when historians research our communities past, but it is also not bad when amateurs do. But, we could fall into a trap, fall into myths. Myths are beautiful. Soviet myths and myths are written to the desire of mayors or councilors are lies and we actually start to read these lies in the schools. I believe that what we do is very important. I am absolutely convinced that joint efforts of specialists will give what we want, what our society wants for our national interests, "said president of the Institute of Social History "ProMemoria", Prof. Dr. hab. Anatol Petrencu.

According to the organizers, communication between professional academic and university circles gathered at the event, the exchange of experiences regarding studying historical issues related to Bălți and its surrounding areas will facilitate the transfer of scientific knowledge from research institutions to high schools and even their adaptation to the history curriculum at the university.

The scientific results presented by researchers at the conference will be disseminated to the general public in the country and throughout the city of Bălți, to those who are interested to know the history, with its uplifting stories, but also with the drama. The conference aims to provide an enlightening view of the events, phenomena, and historical processes carried out in the area of Bălți and surrounding territories since ancient times up to modern times.

Collaboration between "A. Russo" University and the North RDA is part of the provisions from the Memorandum that the two institutions signed on November 10, 2011.

With the original title of "Teacher Institute", the current State University "A. Russo" was reorganized as the Pedagogical Institute (1953) and was the Regional State University (1992). University "A. Russo" Bălți, is a real draw for the North Development Region, it is among the most popular higher education institutions in Moldova.