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The Inaugural Potato Festival in Corjeuți, Briceni

11.11.2012   8739 views  

Corjeuți, Briceni, November 11th. The first Potato festival took place in the village of Corjeuți, Briceni. The festival promoted potatoes and traditional potato dishes. The event was organized by the North Regional Development Agency and the City of Corjeuți in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, the Briceni District Council, and The National Farmers Federation of Moldova. The Potato Festival presented products from approximately 40 businesses and totaled over 3,000 visitors.

The event was attended by Prime Minister Vlad Filat, Valeriu Lazăr the Minister of Economy, Marcel Răducan the Minister of Regional Development and Construction and Basil Bumacov the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry.

In his speech, the Prime Minister congratulated the organizers and the local organizers on carrying out the idea of this festival. Vlad Filat said he is proud that farmers manage every year to not only face difficulties, but also to obtain high yields. "These events are welcome, for us to see the good things that help us learn from each other, and how, through hard work, we can get good results. Until 2009, Moldova was importing potatoes, but during the last period we see that not only have we been able to produce potatoes for the country's needs, but also managed to export potatoes. In 2011, over 30 thousand tons of potatoes were exported", said Vlad Filat, who called for an analysis in this area so that potato producers know what possibilities exist and thus, increase the volume of production. Finally, the Prime Minister wished good luck to all those present at the event and expressed his belief that Potato Festival will become a tradition.

A message of support and congratulations for potato producers and Potato festival participants from the President of the Moldovan Parliament Marian Lupu was delivered by North Regional Development Agency Director, Ion Bodrug.

"This is the first experience of North Regional Development Agency to come to work on other activities. For several years, they handled infrastructure projects, which are indeed very important, because without investment in infrastructure, there is no local development", said Deputy Minister of Economy, Valeriu Lazar. "A real holiday is not that established by decree, but the initiative of the Potato Festival belongs primarily to those who make up the soul of ”‹”‹this event. The next stage in the development of potato cultivation would not only produce potatoes but also, potato processing infrastructure development. Be daring and be proactive and I assure you that you will continue to have the satisfaction that I can see in your eyes today", Valeriu Lazăr said in his address to the farmers.

"We are extremely pleased to be with you today, to be with the organizers, at this beautiful event. Through this event, we aimed to highlight potato producers, who, in a short time put made progress in agro-industrial production. We want to succeed and prove that goods from the Republic of Moldova can be turned into agricultural exports, especially potatoes", said Marcel Răducan, the Minister of Regional Development and Construction, in his message to potato producers and event guests.

"Why Corjeuți?, Why in this part of the country? The fact that Moldova has turned into an exporter of potatoes is a success story thanks to you, dear farmers. Your history demonstrates that one can successful. I ask of you still two things: make an effort to have a basis for potato seeds in this region, because 15,000 tons per year are imported, also, please build a factory for the processing and freezing of potatoes because the restaurants and shops all import them. We should do these things, and I hope the festival can enjoy even more results", said Vasile Bumacov, the Minister of Agriculture.

Victor Andronic, mayor of Corjeuți, thanked the officials in Chisinau for accepting the invitation to participate in the first Potato Festival and was sure that this event will be a beautiful celebration for all the inhabitants of the region. The mayor thanked the farmers for their efforts every year and wished them every success in the work they carry out.

Government officials, together with event organizers visited the fair, the agricultural products, the handicrafts fair, the exhibition of techniques for growing potatoes, the food tasting, and talked with festival guests. They also visited the natural monument "Rock Tiles", which is part of the chain of reefs that occurred about 15-20 million years ago in the Middle Prut river basin in northern Moldova.

At the closing event, RDA North Director, Ion Bodrug, thanked the farmers, the people who prepared the delicious food, the students who participated in the drawing competition, and the guests who participated in Potato Festival. "This celebration of potatoes will continue for many years, it will become a nice tradition", said the RDA North Director.

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At the end of the festival, the most active producers of potatoes were given gifts and were awarded diplomas. Gift certificates and were also given to those who participated in the cooking of potato dishes. Diplomas and gifts were received by the popular singers and the musical ensembles and the students from educational institutions of Corjeuți who participated in drawing competition.

The special guest at the Potato Festival's concert was Nelly Ciobanu.

The potato, the fourth most utilized food after rice, wheat , and corn, has been known to people  for over 8000 years when it was grown by communities of hunters and gatherers near Lake Titicaca, located high in the Andes mountains, at border between Peru and Bolivia.

For years, residents of the village Corjeuți, Briceni, earn their living growing potatoes. The inhabitants of Corjeuți are the first farmers in Moldova to grow potatoes on a large scale. They made important investments in potatoes. In 2011, areas near Briceni the potato harvest was increased by approximately 30 percent and produced double the country's needs.

The festival presented the potato in all its possible forms and functions: raw, to be purchased, prepared in the form of hot and cold dishes, etc...

The program of the festival included: a fair, agricultural products, a craftsmen fair, drawing competition, presentation of new technologies for the cultivation of potatoes, a music and dance show involving artistic groups from the region and country, potato dish contest (tasting), vegetable competition, and concert involving folk and easy listening music, as well as traditional dance, and more.

North Regional Development Agency invites journalists from local and national press to attend the Potato Festival. Journalists who reported on the event can participate in media institutions entitled "Know the North Development Region!", launched by the RDA North. Conditions of the contest can be found here: http://www.adrnord.md/libview.php?l=en&id=1409&idc=195

For more information:

  • Ion Urușciuc, PR Manager, tel./fax.: (+373) 231 29682, mob.: (+373) 78823103, e-mail: [email protected]
  • Tatiana Vîlcu, office manager, (+373) 231 61980, mob.: (+373) 78823115, e-mail: [email protected]