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Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova, Ambassador Jennifer BRUSH, visits the North RDA

11.10.2012   3043 views  

BĂLȚI, October 11, 2012. Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova, Ambassador Jennifer BRUSH, visited the North Regional Development Agency, where they met with the leadership of the North RDA.

During the meeting they discussed decentralization and economic development of the Northern region of Moldova. North RDA Director, Ion BODRUG, presented Ambassador Jennifer BRUSH information about the economic potential of the RDA projects in the north region that have been completed as well as those currently being implemented.

"The city of Bălți is an important center of the Republic, not only economically, but also culturally. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is prepared to continue to support Moldova in implementing reforms that will bring prosperity to the country. In accordance with the recommendations of the Council of Europe and the European Union, increasing decentralization in Moldova is a prerequisite for European integration", said Ambassador Jennifer BRUSH.

Also during the visit in Bălți, the OSCE delegation met with local authorities and representatives of national minorities. Accompanied by representatives of the charitable Hebrew Center "Hesed Yakov" the OSCE delegation visited the Hebrew Cemetery and Memorial Holocaust offerings.