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North RDC approved the North Regional Development Strategy (2010-2016) and the Northern Regional Operational Plan (2013-2015)

28.09.2012   5155 views  

BĂLȚI. September 28, 2012. North Regional Development Council (North RDC) approved the North Regional Development Strategy (North RDS), the revised North Regional Operational Plan 2010-2016 (North ROP) 2013-2015. In this respect, North RDC members met in a regular session organized by the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC) and North Regional Development Agency (RDA North).

The meeting was chaired by President of the North RDC, Ion PAREA, who said that the North RDC Executive Bureau meeting, which was attended by 10 of 15 members RDC North, "was very constructive". "Thank to those who were involved in the review and updating of North RDS and North ROP. I say with all sincerity and responsibility: it was a very, very large volume of work", said the President of the North RDC.

Director General for Regional Development (DGRD) of MDRC, Valerian BÎNZARU, who sent the greeting from the Minister of Regional Development and Construction, Marcel RĂDUCAN, said that today's meeting is a logical development of what happened on 14 September, when they held public hearings on the revised draft of the North RDS. "Basically, we could say that, at the regional level, regional development policy documents are complete for 2012. Next will be the capitalization of financial resources and implementation of projects planned for the year 2012 and project planning for 2013", said Director GDRD, Valerian BÎNZARU.

"The fact that we had Latvian and Polish experts helping revise the North RDS is very good.  The Experts who advised the then draft RDS North said this strategic document was reviewed professional. It is a quality strategy because we followed recommendations of Latvian and Polish experts' suggestions. The North RDS will work to improve continuously. We must have a clear vision that we want to do in the next three years, "said RDA North Director, Ion BODRUG, who noted the historical importance today, the North RDC approved most important strategic documents for Northern Region.

At the hearing, Chief Strategic Planning and Programming Division at RDA North, Inga COJOCARU, presented the North ROP for 2013-2015, followed by discussion sessions. Also, goals, objectives, and planned activities in the framework of component "Regional Planning and Programming" presented by international expert in programming and planning, team leader, Colm McCIEMENTS, and the national education consultant Regional Development deputy team leader, Stela COROBCEANU.

The North RDS was developed starting in 2009 and adopted in 2010 for seven years, following the work of specialized working groups and public consultations. Professionals were involved in this process. "Like any strategic document North RDS requires updating, improving, because life goes on and the challenges become more continual in regional development," he said during the public hearings on the Northern RDS 14 September, Vlad GHIȚU, member of North RDC. The North RDC purpose is to facilitate and stimulate regionally integrated economic and social development and contriubute to sustainable regional development objectives.

North ROP is a part of the North RDS and forms the framework for its implementation. The overall objective of the North ROP is to create a platform for implementing North RDS by the cycle of priority programs and activities for 2013-2015 and harness the capacities of regional actors and interest groups, encouraging their commitment to contribute to regional and local development through problem solving and sustainable use of resources.

The first meeting of the new membership of the North RDC took place on September 13, 2011. The last meeting was held on 17 august 2012.

Contact for further information: tel. (231) 6-19-80 e-mail: [email protected].

RDC North is a deliberative structure without legal personality, formed to develop, coordinate and monitor regional development policy in the Northern Development Region (RDN) consisting of Balti and Briceni, Donduseni Drochia Edinet Falesti, Floresti , Glodeni Ocnita Riscani, Singerei and Soroca. Regional Council has 48 members, consisting of the district components Balti mayor and a representative associations of mayors, civil society and the private sector in each district and municipality of RDN. Regional Council members their duties free of charge.