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Bilateral Meeting for Moldovan and Turkish businesses in Bălți

20.09.2012   3208 views  

BĂLȚI, September 20, 2012. There was a Moldovan-Turkish business meeting, organized by the Municipal Business Club "Manager Club" , the Industrialists Union, and Entrepreneurs from the city of Ankara, Turkey. The event took place at the Business Center "Impuls".

Director of the North Regional Development Agency (North RDA), Ion BODRUG, attended the event. He welcomed the visiting delegation from Turkey to the city of BăIți, located in the Northern Development Region of the Republic of Moldova, as well as those businessmen in attendance from BăIți. "Recently, while visiting Turkey for the first time, I noticed many good qualities in the Turkish citizens: openness to cooperation, diligence and initiative", said North RDA Director.

In the bilateral business meeting, participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with offers from participating companies of information on the economic potential of Turkey, but also with the possibility of direct contact and liaison. Among the participants were Turkish companies producing machinery, equipment, devices, and spare parts; also, businesses in construction, trade, tourism and leisure services attended the event.

Present at the event were the leaders of the Centre for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises and the Industrialists Union which allowed discussions of collaborations with companies in every field. The event was attended by over 30 manufacturers and service providers in the Northern Development Region. Some of the attendees included: the Free Economic Zone "Balti", North RDA, SRL "Darexia Construct", "BCR Chișinău" S.A. SRL "Crislex-Construct", JLC S.A., SRL "Naxin Grup", SRL "Multival" and many more.

According to organizers, the Moldovan-Turkish business meeting gave participants a real opportunity to promote products and services to foreign and domestic markets as well as helping participants find partners for business development.