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Roundtable with participants from 4 countries. RDA North Director: "In IT we have to implement projects together"

20.09.2012   3290 views  

BĂLȚI, September 20, 2012. There was a round table entitled "Participatory community and regional development" with participants from IT fields in Serbia, Romania, Latvia and Moldova. The Roundtable was organized by the Alliance of Community Centers for Access to Information and Training (ACCAII) in Moldova in partnership with North Regional Development Agency (North RDA) and the Regional Centre "CONTACT" BăIți. It took place within the project "Overcoming the digital Divide: Access for Rural Communities".

In his presentation about Northern Regional Development and the institution he leads, RDA North Director, Ion BODRUG, welcomed participants to the round table, thanking ACCAII Executive Director, Victor KOROLI, for his participation in this event. "I think, in IT, we have implemented several projects in the Northern Region", said Director of the North RDA. "It seems that IT is for us a new one, even though we use it in our ordinary everyday lives. I must mention that IT is a development direction that enjoys attention in North Regional Development Strategy, which is currently under review. I am firmly convinced that, in the future, we will implement major IT projects", said director Ion BODRUG.

"We welcome the openness that we found in the North RDA in Balti and Centre "CONTACT", which facilitated the event in the North, one of the most active regions in Moldova", said Executive Director of ACCAII, Victor KOROLI. "We are facing a technological and economical leap. We have, in Moldova, a very good Internet connection; we have good Internet users on a personal level. Actually, what we need to do is to become users in our professional life and community and our country will change for the better very quickly", said the Executive Director of ACCAII.

RDA North, the Alliance of Community Centers for Access to Information and Training (ACCAII) in Moldova and company "NORDLINKS" from Bălți acknowledged future possibilities of implementing IT projects.

The "Overcoming the Digital Divide: Access for Rural Communities" is implemented by the Alliance of Community Centers for Access to Information and Training (ACCAII) in Moldova, Romania's EOS Foundation, in partnership with the Latvian Information and Communications Technology (LIKTA) , International Aid Network in Serbia, with financial support from the program "East East Beyond Borders" of the SOROS Foundation Moldova. The program supports international cooperation between civil society and nongovernmental organizations in order to share experiences, expertise, and knowledge to promote the principles of an open society internationally. In this project, there have been three study visits: Serbia, Romania and Latvia, the fourth study visit was organized during these days in Moldova.