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RDA North Director”™s Visit to Moscow

12.09.2012   2356 views  

MOSCOW, RUSSIA, September 10-12 2012. Marcel RĂDUCAN, Minister of Regional Development and Construction accompanied the Prime Minister of Moldova Vladimir Filat, in an official delegation to the Russian Federation. The visit was also attended by the Director of the North Regional Development Agency (RDA North) Ion BODRUG.

During this visit, the Minister of Regional Development and Construction of the Republic of Moldova, Marcel RĂDUCAN, and the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Oleg GOVORUN, signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of interregional cooperation on Tuesday, September 11, at the State Residence of Russian Prime Minister, in the presence of Prime Minister Vladimir FILAT and his counterpart Dmitry MEDVEDEV.

The parties intend to develop multilateral cooperation, including the implementation of programs of interregional cooperation and contributions to the activation of business contacts between the regions of Moldova and the Russian Federation.

The Memorandum's purpose is to enhance interregional cooperation between Moldova and Russian Federation and to ensure socio-economic development of the regions of both countries. The event took place during the visit of Prime Minister of Moldova Vladimir FILAT to the Russian Federation.

North RDA Director's Moscow visit included several meetings with Russian officials involved with regional development. Ion BODRUG met with deputy director of the Department of International Relations and development of cross-border cooperation for the Ministry of Regional Development Dmitry GORÅžKOV, chief of cooperation with international organizations of the Department of International Relations and development of cross-border cooperation of the Ministry of Regional Development, Dmitry FIÅžKIN, and international cooperation and protocol specialist for the Division of the Department of international Relations and development for the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Yaroslav FIGUROV. The Ministry of Construction and Regional Development of the Republic of Moldova also participated in these meetings along with Svetlana ROGOV, the head of the international relations and attracting investments. The meeting was also attended Leonora MOROSANI, Secretary of the Embassy of Moldova to the Russian Federation.

At this meeting they discussed the possibility of joint meetings of experts from the two countries, exchanging information about field of regional development, and forums taking place in both countries related to boosting economic relations etc. Emphasis was placed on developing interregional relations and the organization of inter-regional economic forums that can be an important for the future development of relations between Moldova and the Russian Federation.

During his visit to Moscow, RDA North Director, Ion BODRUG attended a series of "Culture Days" about the Republic of Moldova in the Russian Federation, these cultural events took place between the 10th and 14th of September.