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Meeting with the contractor who will complete the Bălți-Sîngerei aqueduct

12.09.2012   3568 views  

BĂLȚI-SÎNGEREI, September 12, 2012. There was a joint meeting with the contractor "SOLDI" who will perform work on the "completion of the construction for the Bălți-Sîngerei aqueduct with branches to communities".

The meeting was attended by the District Council of Singerei (CR Singerei), who is the project applicant, Ivan CEBOTARI, vice president of the district of Singerei, Vasile Å¢ÎBÎRNĂ, chief of construction, municipal services, and roads (CR Singerei), and Marina BARÎÅžPOLI, technical officer to the project.

Note that for the project in Singerei, construction authorization has been received.

Friday, September 13, the author of the project, from "BONCOM", together with the contractor "SOLDI", and cadastral engineer from CR Singerei will mark the route for construction of the aqueduct. Monday, September 17, the work on the project will begin.

ABOUT THE PROJECT. With the implementation of the "completion of the construction for the Bălți-Sîngerei aqueduct with branches to communities" the applicant, CR Singerei, seeks access to safe drinking water and increased quality of district population Singerei (and opportunity for Telenești). The total project budget is 24473.20 lei. For 2012, the National Coordination Council for Regional Development (NCCRD) approved for funding up to 10,000 lei. Project implementation, which will be launched soon, is expected to last up to 24 months.