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Field visit to the project in Larga, Briceni

11.09.2012   3459 views  

LARGA, BRICENI, September 11, 2012. A group of specialists, including Constantin BÂNDIU, Head of the project management department at the North Regional Development Agency, visited the site in Larga, Briceni. Soon they will start implementing the project "Opening a business incubator in Larga" - an important factor for active employment measures for youth in the region.

The field visit was conducted to obtain authorization for construction, technical design, and to get an overlay of the real situation on the ground. Also, the actors involved in the implementation process analyzed, together with experts from the Center "CONTACT", more details on an awareness campaign about the importance and results of project implementation in the Larga community.

ABOUT THE PROJECT. The Project applicant is the Mayor of Larga, Briceni. The total amount of the project is 5608,74 mii lei from the National Fund for Regional Development. The Larga project, which is part of the second priority of the North Regional Development Strategy - supporting private sector development and labor market -, will be implemented for 12 months, by the North RDA.