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Knowledge Day, North RDA director gives High School "Mihai Eminescu" Balti a Moldavian flag

03.09.2012   6155 views  

Knowledge Day at High School "Mihai Eminescu" in Balti brought students, teachers, parents, and guests, together with new emotions. After a long summer vacation, kids are back in class lessons stronger and eager to learn new things.

The event was attended by North Regional Development Agency Director, Ion BODRUG, who congratulated the students and teachers on the Day of Knowledge, wishing them success in the new school year. On this occasion, the Director of North RDA gave the school a flag of Moldova, with the state emblem embroidered in the center.

In the 26th year at the helm of the High School "Mihai Eminescu" director Leonid AMOAÅžEI expressed admiration for the students of the school he runs with devotion. "I know you do not want the lessons, but that's the situation...", he joked, noting that "you should use your mind". 

Knowledge Day at School "Mihai Eminescu" did not pass without gifts. "How does the voice and the song from the speakers sound? Well, unlike other years, right? Now we have a good sound system, and new seats that will be installed in the assembly hall. It is a great gift," said Leonid AMOAÅžEI, who said that this is due to the State Enterprise "Registru" in particular the Director of registration and documentation for the population of Balti, Cecilia GRAUR, and North RDA director, Ion BODRUG.

Teachers at the School "Mihai Eminescu" hope that the new school year will be one of high quality intellectual thought for all parties involved in the educational process.