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Updating of the North RDS was the theme of the meeting with the ministry delegation from Latvia

21.08.2012   3062 views  

Delegație ministerială din Letonia, în vizită de lucru la Agenția de Dezvoltare Regională Nord în contextul actualizării Strategiei de Dezvoltare Regională Nord.

BĂLȚI, 21 august 2012. A delegation from Latvia, composed of four representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (MEPRD), visited the North Regional Development Agency, where there has been a meeting regarding the update to the Regional Development Strategy North (North RDS).

Inga COJOCARU, șefa Secției planificare strategică și programare, prezintă oaspeților din Letonia SDR Nord actualizatăDiscuții în grup despre SDR Nord actualizatăInga COJOCARU, șefa Secției planificare strategică și programare, prezintă oaspeților din Letonia SDR Nord actualizată

MPMDR representatives from Latvia - vice secretary of state for the MPMDR, Ilona RAUGZE, director of the National Development Planning (NDP), Raivis BREMŠMITS, senior officer of the NDP, Andris EGLĪTIS, and JevgÄ“nija BUTÅ…ICKA from  MEPRD - spoke with North RDA specialists  on the update to the North RDS and connecting it with the National Strategy for Regional Development (NSRD).

"I think today we are able to cross the t's and dot the i's. Following last step - public debates on the North RDS in order to reflect NSRD in 2013, we will implement the updated strategy," said North RDA Director, Ion BODRUG, who thanked the Latvian partners for their support. In this context, North RDA Director said that the recent visit of a delegation from Poland, who reflected positively on the North RDS update, is further evidence that the updated North RDS is a professional rethinking of the document.

"We highly appreciate the work that you do. We believe that, at this level, you can now work independently on updating the strategy. We are glad that we were able to offer some advice and information during the process. We are ready to continue our cooperation further," said Deputy Secretary of State for the MEPRD, Ilona RAUGZE.

We remind you that the Latvian delegation's visit to the North RDA is a continuation of strategic planning cooperation between these institutions. The Latvian delegation first visited North RDA in mid May, after which, a team of specialists from North RDA paid a visit to the Baltic state to study the Latvian experience in strategic planning. After a working session at the North RDA the Latvian delegation conducted a study visit to International Airport "Mărculești." On Wednesday, August 22, the delegation will go over the results of the visit in Chișinău in a meeting with the management of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction of the Republic of Moldova. 

North RDA and Latvia. In November 2010, North RDA signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Agency for Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia. The signing followed a previous memorandum made during a study visit by a group of specialists from North RDA to Latvia. The memorandum was made ”‹”‹to promote and support the development of relations and to strengthen cooperation between Northern region of Moldova and Latvia.