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Communication specialists who promote regional development in Moldova learn the basics of photojournalism

15.08.2012   2660 views  

IVANCEA, ORHEI, 14-15 August 2012. Communication specialists from the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction and the North, Central, and South Regional Development Agencies have learned the basics of social photojournalism in a training course. The course took place with the support of the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), given through the project "Modernization of local public services in Moldova".

During the two days, guided by the photographer and Professor Nicolae POJOGA, participants learned to make the most of basic camera settings such as contrast and brightness. Also, attendees learned about the boundaries of digital image manipulation. Additionally, they were trained via a practical shooting exercise, followed by critically analyzing the results. Communication specialists captured images of the entire cycle of the local water supply and sewage system of Orhei: ranging from the source for drinking water, Jeloboc's source for water, pumping stations, and other infrastructure up to the sewage plant.

"The fact that I have seen the entire process of creating pictures will help me convey the positive contributions of these projects and especially their potential to improve the living standards of the communities," reports Ecaterina STACI-GRIGOREAN, press officer of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction.

For his part, photographer Nicolae POJOGA explains that the specific pictures of infrastructure need to be humanized, to be able to affect the eye of the beholder: "This requires the harmony of form and content, but above all, awareness and competency of the one who shoots."

Regional development projects supported by GIZ through Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) require the cooperation of several communities in order to provide quality public services. Communication specialist of North RDA, Ion URUÅžCIUC, asserts that it is sometimes difficult to communicate through an image around the complexity of regional development which means: "Now I look in a different way to the events of the past and I see that it is possible to incorporate certain aspects that otherwise seem ordinary, like construction, infrastructure".

Currently, GIZ supports the development of five pilot projects that are implemented by the Regional Development Agencies:

  • Environmental sanitation in rural areas of Costești-Stînca, Riscani
  • Water supply and sanitation in the village Roșu, Cahul
  • Extending the integrated management of solid waste collection and storage in 7 villages from Soldanesti and Rezina
  • Efficient street lighting in village Tătărăuca Veche, Soroca
  • Increasing energy efficiency of a hospital, Orhei

At the same time, GIZ will provide assistance with project planning and scheduling at local and regional levels in the areas of: water and sanitation, integrated solid waste management and energy efficiency.

The project "Modernization of local public services in Moldova" is implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) and is supported by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ♦ Proiecte.md