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The evaluation and examination of applications has concluded

10.08.2012   2432 views  

BĂLȚI, August 10, 2012. A special commission, which assembled national experts on priority areas of regional development strategy, has assessed the 25 applications submitted for STEP TWO of the 2nd Call for Proposals (APP 2).

The administration and evaluation to verify complete applications for funding received in APP 2, project proposals with funding from the NFRD, based on the RDA North director's order number 24/b from 03.05.2012 (modified by Order 13/sp on 23.07.2012), was made by ”‹”‹an administrative panel of 5 people composed of:

  • Ion BODRUG, Director of North RDA, chairman;
  • Valerian BÎNZARU,Director of the Directorate General of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction;
  • Ion PAREA, President of North RDC;
  • Valeriu ȚARIGRADSCHI, Vice President of North RDC;
  • Constantin BÂNDIU, Head of project management for North RDA.

The evaluation report and results will be presented and discussed at the next meeting of the North RDC.

During STAGE TWO of APP 2, RDA North received 28 applications for funding. In STAGE ONE of APP 2, RDA North received 55 concept notes.

Also on Friday, at RDA North, a working meeting was held amongst representatives from MDRC and stakeholders in the implementation of regional projects. The meeting was chaired by the Director of the DGDR, Valerian BÂNZARU.

During the meeting, they discussed the current status of each project being implemented in the Northern Region, as well as, responsibilities and duties of clients and operators, responsible techniques for successful implementation of projects, and assurance of the effectiveness of funds from the National Fund for Regional Development (NFRD).


The participants have decided:

  • ADR North will impose sanctions for stakeholders involved in the implementation of projects that lead to delayed realization of benefits from of NFRD sources;
  • Stakeholders involved in project implementation will ensure proper utilization of financial resources for projects approved by NFRD in 2012 until 20.11.12;
  • In the case that financial resources are not utilized according to financing plans, they will be directed to fund other projects.