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Message for the day celebrating professionals working in construction

09.08.2012   2465 views  

Dear colleagues and fellow professionals working in construction,

It gives me great pleasure to offer my warmest congratulation for your successful achievements and I wish you success in your future activities on the day celebrating professionals working in construction, traditionally marked by the second Sunday of August.

Because the activities of builders, architects, planners, designers, and workers in the construction industry are essential for the development and prosperity of a country, I think your contributions to this effort deserve the highest respect.

Despite going through a difficult period, construction is a very important sector of the national economy, which contributes significantly to the development of Moldova.

On this beautiful holiday, the North Regional Development Agency expresses its thanks and appreciation to those who work in the construction industry. We send you our best wishes. We wish you great achievements in the workplace, the fulfillment of all aspirations, health, prosperity, and happiness in your families!

With highest regards,

Ion BODRUG, North RDA director