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The first rural business incubator opened in the village of Larga, Briceni

03.10.2013   6348 views  

Larga, Briceni, October 3, 2013. The Ministry of Construction and Regional Development and North Regional Development Agency in collaboration with the Mayor's Office of Larga Briceni, organized the inauguration of the Public Institution "Business Incubator Larga" (IP "I.A. Larga"), the first business incubator in the rural areas in Moldova, where 20 thousand economic agents in Briceni could benefit from consulting and entrepreneurial training.

Attending the opening of the business incubator, Minister of Regional Development and Construction Marcel Răducan said he was pleased that they succeeded with the regional development project, renovation of premises with a total area of 1400 square meters and equipping it with machinery, furniture and equipment. "This investment will help create a favorable business environment for SME development in eight villages of the district Briceni, increase economic activity and strengthen competitive investment climate in the region", said Minister Marcel Răducan.

Director of Northern Regional Development Agency (RDA North), Ion Bodrug, said that IP "IA Larga" was created as a result of implementation of the regional development project "Inauguration of the Larga village business incubator - an important factor in the work on active labor market measures for youth in the region", implemented by North RDA with resources from the National Regional Development Fund."This has worked in record time, that they fulfill all the work. This business incubator would resemble more of a multifunctional center; it really is unbeatable for the rest of the localities of Northern Region. You will develop business and socio-cultural activities", said director Ion Bodrug.

IP "I.A. Larga" is an institution that provides entrepreneurs with viable business ideas and plans the chance to perform in a suitable environment. Resident companies will benefit from affordable offices; consulting and business training, consultative support the purchase of equipment, reduced administration costs, and other facilities. In this context, the Minister Marcel Răducan said that supporting private sector development is a priority for funding from the National Fund for Regional Development (NFRD) and Larga village business incubator will be an important factor which aims to attract young people in the region.

"It's time to live better, to have a development as in Europe. Inauguration the incubator is a step forward, it is evidence that central and local authorities do not just make statements. I hope the incubator of Larga will help create new jobs, thus reducing unemployment in the region", said the manager IP "IA Larga" Elena Bejenaru.

For his part, the mayor broad Urecheanu Radu said that the project of creating IP "IA Larga" is based on the objective of combating poverty through creation of decent paid jobs. It's a chance for all those who have an entrepreneurial spirit and initiative.

The inauguration of the "I.A. Larga" was attended by district president of Briceni, Efim Bandalac, Chairman of Northern Regional Development, Ion Parea, incubator residents and journalists.

Note that the project applicant inauguration IP "IA Larga "is from the Mayor's office of Larga. Implementation of the project was completed at  the end of last year. For this project, funds  have been allocated from the National Fund for Regional Development, 2,570,390 lei. The total project value is 4.846 million lei, the difference in relation to money NFRD the Larga community contributions. The project is in Priority 2 of the Northern Regional Development Strategy - supporting private sector development and labor market.